Sylvain Guinet is a French composer born in 1978 in Mâcon, France.
Dès sa jeunesse, il étudia pendant plusieurs années le piano et l’orgue électronique tout en participant à quelques concours européens d’interprétation. C’est dans la composition qu’il trouve réellement sa manière d’expression, son style et sa vocation qui le mèneront à Tokyo puis à Singapour.
Nowadays, his scores are played worldwide by amateurs and professional piano players whose passion resonate with Sylvain's music. His scores create worlds of romance, dreams and wonder, and open pathways to contemplation and meditation.
"Inspiration" is the foundation of his writing.
"Inspiration" is the foundation of his writing. As many composers, Sylvain writes music only when he feels "inspired", what he calls "writing from the heart", as opposed to writing music solely based on the rules of solfge, "writing with the brain".
Sylvain spent many years trying to define precisely what "inspiration" is, how it rises and fades away, and how it can explain, for example, why one piece may be written in just one day while another may require more effort while both are technically similar.
Whatever the artistic field we are in, inspiration is a "connection to oneself", an alignment. It may sound easy to grasp and yet it is so difficult to identify and reach. One needs to learn how to feel all those moments where one is authentic, where one is oneself, without asking questions. One needs to learn how to let the mind and emotions go to reach full awareness, and concentrate on the essential: to live fully "the present moment".
When we are finally connected, inspiration comes from the deepest parts of oneself, everything seems clear, easy and wonderful. This state is the amazing result of an "unconscious meditation".
In this state, we generally cut off from the outside world because we become "creators".
How to play Sylvain's music:
For many people, interpreting music often means reaching "perfection" and "precision".
Although both of these qualities are certainly based on great discipline, once the musician overcomes the technical difficulties, he/she/they must find his/her/their own way, own style, and no longer be enslaved to the score. "A good interpreter does not play music, but lives it..."
The score is meant to be a working support, while the musician takes ownership of the piece. He/she/they must learn how to integrate his/her/their own emotions, own feelings, and experience so that the story told becomes his/her/their own.
In addition, no performance should ever be similar from one performer to another, as each performer learns how to reach a more "intimate freedom" of interpretation.
This is why Sylvain's scores do not include sustain pedal symbols nor fingering marks, and provide few indications of nuances and tempo. "Be your own conductor."
The fingering marks are not indicated voluntarily, because that was not frustrated to see his music teacher scratch and change the fingerings of his new score.
Current project: "Helping people emotionally through music"
For the last decade, it was Sylvain's great pleasure to provide free access to his work to the public. His melodies have spread quickly across the world. The many messages of support and appreciation he receives in return from listeners are a testament to the effectiveness of his music in providing a great help to their well-being. Many listeners report about being able to evacuate emotions, reach relaxation or peace of mind while listening to his music. Sylvain's audio tracks are used in some countries, such as Japan, to accompany patients in some hospitals.
Since 2016, Sylvain has embarked on a musical and therapeutic quest, seeking to deepen the virtues provided by music in order to bring more support to people.
In 2018, with the agreement of the medical staff, he got authorized to carry out his first tests in EHPAD (accommodation facility for dependent elderly people) in Mâcon, France. The first results were positive, leading the majority of patients to live again emotional experiences long forgotten or deeply buried in them.
For this study, Sylvain uses a dedicated hardware set that allows to immerse the patient in his own internal state. While some of his most sensitive music is played (tuned to an A at 432 Hz), Nature sounds are reconstructed in three dimensions and overlaid on the piece to recreated an immersive atmosphere.
"Nowadays, we understand that the universe we live in consists of vibrations covering a wide range of frequencies and physical phenomena. The sound waves are an example of such vibrations, which can affect us deeply through the different emotions they convey to us when we perceived them as a single entity, music".
If you are yourself a receptive, open and sensitive person, learn more about this therapeutic music experience by going to the "music therapy" page of the site.
Currently, Sylvain is experimenting with a more in-depth field, which he describes as "inner travel". In addition to the music and Nature sounds described above, he is now introducing binaural beats designed to generate a tuning of the brain waves to certain frequencies, and bring the patient to different states of mind, such as happiness, concentration, elevation or relaxation.
Tributes and causes Sylvain committed to
Sylvain Guinet is ranked first among 2000 composers on the Free-Scores website, a platform that provides free sheets of contemporary, classical and educational music.
His piano piece "Dragonice" was also ranked number one favorite score among 120,000 scores available.